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Did you know that Alberta has a need for more foster parents right now? Join Heather Gautreau and JoAnn Hallikainen from Children & Family Services – Edmonton Region Government of Alberta as they present “Becoming a Foster Cargiver: A No Cookie-Cutter Approach” on stage at the 2024 Mom, Pop & Tots Fair, featured in the Edmonton Woman’s Show on January 20 & 21 at the Edmonton EXPO Centre.

Foster parents are everyday people – just like you. If you have ever considered becoming a foster parent, now is the time. Children all over Alberta are in need of a safe place to temporarily call home. Becoming a foster parent provides the unique opportunity to support families in need. Not only can you impact a child’s life but an entire family’s life. The more foster homes there are, the less likely it is that children and youth in care will have to leave their home communities or be separated from their siblings. Helping kids stay connected to their sources of support plays a valuable role in ensuring the safety and well-being of children and youth in care and helps them thrive.

There is no cookie-cutter approach as to who can become a foster parent. Foster parents can be single or have a partner, be in their 20s, middle-aged or a senior, be in the midst of raising their own children, not have any children or be an empty nester. They can live in the city, a small town or in the country.

With a recent decrease in the number of foster parents, the Alberta government is raising awareness of the need for more foster parents through a campaign with hopes of creating 100 additional foster placements over the next year.

Learn how you can get involved by visiting the Child and Family Services booth at the Fair. Their staff will be ready to help you find out how YOU can become an Alberta foster parent.

Visit Become a foster caregiver | to learn more about Child & Family Services.

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